Sunday, November 28, 2010

Target "Tricks"

Everyone knows that shopping at Target is not necessarily a glamourous experience. As for me, I know I've showed up to that store in my pajamas to buy paper towels and maybe some shampoo. But in the new Target advertisement campaign, their whole angle is to "trick" you into believing that it is some sort of high-end retail store. They want you to feel like a rockstar in their clothes, like a model when using their kitchen appliances, and all for a discounted price?
Just look at this. I'm not saying it's poorly done. I actually really like this whole concept. It's very modern and chic, but also effective because they stick with using the target symbol and the eye-catching RED in every design. Their ads are consistent which is important.

These advertisements, in my opinion almost reflect a 1050's American Kitsch style in some of them, because of the use of beautiful glamorous women, and the wholesome family, home-maker themes.
They also are very modern and almost european, which is also effective in getting consumers to feel like they are getting well made, luxury items at Target.
This campaign attracted me because I love when companies use old techniques and make them apply to today's world. These marketing approaches have been used for decades, and I give props to target for reviving them!

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